Monday, March 12, 2012

What does it mean to move? What is it that goes on down to our cellular level? Are we not in flux all the time? Nothing static but the images we see through our eyes? Why is it that Goethe's second part of Faust is so extraordinary? Perhaps because like so many people, he was pacing, walking up and down dictating his idea's - not sat analysing, editing and re-writting like the first part. What was it then that he was tapping into - what is it I ask myself that allows us the space and time not only for reflecting but to think - not through our heads or our hearts but through somehow stimulating our bodies. The dark, mysterious, unknown places we call home. My exploration into moving to think looks not only at how we can lend ourselves to intuition but how through active meaningful movement we can somehow again find both our minds and bodies restful. Forget the gym, chop some wood.