The Listening Bed
My starting point begins with the term the new normal, the space after life
changing circumstance we sometimes find ourselves occupying. This new normal itself,
does not represent as solid terminology but rather as a subjective existence.
It is neither described by adjectives nor can it be used as a label. It is the
base point on which my most current work hangs.
After an event, which changes our lives, we see our
perceptions change, grow and expand to encompass the parallel realities we can
often be subconscious too.
After reaching a point of clarity, I began to simplify the backlog
of this years’ work, down to my basic, underlying motives. I struggled with
various methods of expression before coming to terms with its simplicity and
instead built my most current work around a few base ideas arising from
personal experience.
This personal experience lead to my exploration into western
cultures and their ability to push aside difficult issues; how culturally
people deal with such intensities such as trauma, loss and hardship and how can
I, through art, express the essential need for people to reconnect to a part of
our existence, which is ultimately disregarded through sensory deprivation and
over intellectualisation?